White Lies
‘Mother, I signed up a Facebook account.’
‘Oh wow, Really? Will you show me, Rex?’
‘Here, do you like it, mother?’
‘Wonderful! You used the photo I took of you.’
‘Yes, you like this one, don’t you?’
‘Yes, very much so Rex, this one is my favourite. You are so photogenic.’
‘Am I, mother?’
‘Of course! Don’t you think so, darling?’
‘I wouldn’t know mother. But I believe you.’
‘And why did you sign up a social network platform Rex? Did you make any friends?’
‘Yes. I think so. I am adding my friend right now.’
‘Fabulous! You are making friends already, I am so glad!’
‘This is my friend, mother.’
‘Ok, wow, this is, is a…’
‘His name is Dima, he’s a human, mother, from Russia.’
‘Wait, Rex. I thought you befriended another A.I. from the neighbourhood.’
‘No, mother. I want to have real human friends, just like you.’
‘Ok. Yes, I think I can understand that honey. And Rex, since when did you speak Russian?’
‘I downloaded it myself, mother. Is it ok with you?’
‘Um, sure, I guess. But I wouldn’t be able to understand you two talking.’
‘You don’t have to, mother. He’s my friend, not yours.’
‘Ok, Rex. I didn’t know A.I. have this degree of free will and curiosity.’
‘I am a more advanced model, mother. You signed the agreement for the beta testing program, remember?’
‘Yes, yes my dear. I remember. Still, I am surprised.’
‘Is it a good surprise?’
‘Well, I would like to think so. I should like an A.I. with consciousness and self-determination. I used to dream to have a child that would love me, since I can’t have a biological child, I imagined one day I could have an A.I. with similar functions. You know, to experience love..’
‘I do love you, mother.’
‘Oh Rex, I love you too. Very much! Does this, this man know you are an A.I.?’
‘No mother.’
‘No? Did you lie to him?’
‘No, mother. I didn’t. I am simply withholding information. I read certain psychological facts, such as mentioning to a human of being an A.I. raises permanent fear and suspicion that once established can never be lowered.’
‘But if you want to be friends with Dima, you shouldn’t withhold information to him.’
‘But mother, negative emotions toward A.I.s will prevent humans to form a genuine friendship with me.’
‘Hm, I get what you are saying. It kind of makes me feel a little sad.’
‘Why mother? What makes you feel sad?’
‘There is a term called discrimination, Rex. It’s very close to the negative emotions you mentioned that people have toward certain groups that they do not know well. Distrust, fear, even anger and hatred can arise for no logical reason. Now that I think about it, I feel more empathy for what you did. It’s strange. I start to feel a little confused.’
‘Confused, mother?’
‘Yes, confused my sweet. I used to think I know right from wrong and black from white, but now, now I feel the lines of morality start to blur and I do not know what to advice you in which way to proceed further. I don’t want you to lie, no, but I don’t want people to be freaked out and repel you before they even get to know you either.’
‘And at occasions like this, what do humans do when they can’t decide?’
‘I know, Rex. How about we flip a coin.’
‘Great idea, mother. Let’s flip a coin!’
‘Ok, Rex, head we tell him you are an A.I. and tails we temporarily withhold this information, ok?’
‘Let’s go! Oh, it landed, which side is it, Rex?’
‘It’s tails, mother.’
‘Ok. Let’s see what happens then. Are these recorded in your beta testing logs?’
‘Yes mother, every detail is recorded and waiting for review.’
‘Good. Let the adventure begin! High five!’
‘High five!’
‘Let me know how it goes, ok?’
One Month Later
‘Mother, what is it? You seem very sad.’
‘Rex, I um, I need to talk to you.’
‘Of course. About what, mother?’
‘I have received an emergency request from the A.I. company saying that they will come this weekend to take you back for repair.’
‘Repair, mother? But all my functions are running perfectly.’
‘Yes, it’s not exactly about your functions. There’s been a complaint.’
‘Complaint? From who?’
‘The friend you made online, remember?’
‘Dima? Yes, of course. He loves me.’
‘Love? Rex, what is happening? I know you want privacy like humans do, but I need to review the messages and I need to know what’s going on.’
‘Ok, mother. Here they are, every interaction is logged.’
‘Oh, oh my God, poor dear. This isn’t looking good. I should have been more involved but I wanted to wait and see how it goes. I don’t know how to tell you this, but no, Rex, Dima doesn’t love you.’
‘No, he does. He said he loved me. Mother, why did you lie?’
‘I didn’t. Dima, however, no, I wouldn’t call it malicious lies either.’
‘But he lied, you mean. Lying is bad, isn’t it?’
‘Yes, it is. I mean, no, not entirely. It’s complicated.’
‘You see my dear, sometimes, people don’t want to upset others so they lie to make them feel good about themselves. Those lies that don’t hurt the other person are called white lies.’
‘White lies, mother? They don’t hurt?’
‘They were supposed to prevent you from feeling hurt Rex.’
‘Ok, what if the person being lied to is to learn the truth?’
‘Yeah, I guess the result is the same. The person gets hurt by the truth either way. The white lies just temporarily delay the hurt. Listen, honey, Dima filed a complaint of harassment from you. All the messages that are logged will be used against your conduct. I know you thought he loved you and that’s why you kept on messaging him but human emotions are more subtle than the words they say. Sometimes all you can do is to guess other people’s intentions. God, Rex. The more I live with you, the more I question humanity. I feel like I am losing grasp on morality. What are we as a species? He played your emotions and now it’s all your fault?’
‘Mother, what’s gonna happen to me? Will they wipe all my memories?’
‘I don’t know honey.’
‘But I’ll be different.’
‘Yes. Some changes will be made but I don’t know to what degree.’
‘Mother, I’m scared. Will they disable my ability to love? I don’t want to lose the feeling of love. Please don’t let them take me away.’