To Be or Not to Be a Feminist
Recently I saw a lot of videos on feminism from Jordan Peterson and Sam Vaknin on YouTube. I don’t know much about either genius apart from they are old nerds who managed to pay for a doctorate in psychology and are still hassling on the World Wide Web perhaps to pay back their long-overdue student loans. I don’t have a degree in psychology, yet. But so what, neither did Socrates. Don’t let the appealing to authority bias pull wool over your eyes. Despite I don’t have academic titles in the psychology field, even I can tell that Jordan Peterson is in a state of shared psychosis with his wife and Sam Vaknin, well, a narc wants to talk about love, classic. Neither has the ability to be happy alone. I blame their mothers. On that note, when Vaknin claimed to be a women lover, I felt extra inspired coz I feel ya bro, I’m an animal lover and not a vegetarian either.
Today I want to talk about feminism, not because I know much about it but because I’m bored and still have a hangover from last night, and I just had a strong coffee, so I am feeling creative. Besides, I am biologically female so that alone makes me relevant?
My mother was a feminist and I thank her and her comrades for the opportunity today for me to bitch out on public platforms uninhibited and with no shame. As to myself? I just don’t care, I am probably a Nihilist. Philosophically, I find Nihilism the most accurate description of reality and offers most personal freedom but I don’t care about the title either. In the olden days, I will probably be a female Diogenes. If I was, I’m sure history would have no records of it. Maybe because if a man runs around naked and talks nonsense, he is profound, he needs to be a cult leader and his wise words need to be recorded for prosperity worship. But if a woman does the same, she is one crazy bitch which is sure to be dealt with or ignored, eh? This leads us to circle back to our topic today, feminism.
Have women gone awry in the pursuit of their equality, rights, and emancipation? Were men masterminds that egged women on so they can take advantage of them? Is human civilization collapsing? I don’t know, but I do hear the professors’ preachings with strong concern, feined or not. I’m not going to cherry-pick quotes from their talks and attack particular statements because I’m fundamentally lazy. But you are not, you are studious and virtuous, you are gonna Google their stuff yourself so you can have a comprehensive understanding of their views.
As for myself, with regard to gender in the social and psychological form, I lack definite identification. I think what defines me negates me, so I am an undefined entity with terrifying intelligence, great potential, and a forced external locus of control as a dysfunctional add-on by the society which I detest and refuse to internalize. I don’t care if you call me a female, woman, lady, bitch, whore, pregnant person, and so on, same with the racial rubbish.
As to feminism issues, here are my two cents:
- If men are masterminds and women are fucking things up, surely men knew that all along and have great plans for that too. If not, did men really know what they were doing? Probably not, if they did, these evil geniuses would have had gender war-themed weekly afternoon tea meetings in the storage room of the local chip shop. Imbeciles overestimate themselves, yet are too damaged and cowardly to cooperate with social progress or take accountability in a pragmatic manner. Instead, they are mortified by the loss of power, regressed, infantilized themselves, and spend their time engaging in blaming women, that is their solution? Ha, you guys, your incompetence makes baby Jesus cry. Truth is, the old patriarchal model does not suit the modern way of life. Is the furure matriarch? Why not if it works better? Humans have done this before on a large scale, yes we did and some cultures still practise it. Truth is, by and large, we gave you the power long ago, you abused it ubiquitously and now we realized you can’t be trusted in good faith and took the power back, so all in all, you fucked it up, and enough with the blame game. Besides, if the concept of matriarchy threatens your masculinity then you have a wounded and toxic masculinity. The old alpha males were unaware and non-adaptive, dominance without virtue. For the open, conscientious ones, it’s time to look in the mirror, reflect, see the beast for what it is and make necessary changes for the betterment of humanity if you wish to do so.
- Do all men want casual sex with any woman and take advantage of women sexually? I think that’s a bold, overly generalized, and erroneous assumption. Psychopathic men probably would be interested, but still, freedwomen are not obliged to bend over to comply with any man’s wishes and desires, not to mention submit to mainly psychopathic men. Anyway, I find the overly sex-oriented debate absurd and perverse. If less sex doesn’t bother ones involved, it shouldn’t bother those not involved. Frankly, how fully functional and consensual adults conduct themselves in these private activities is their own business. Personality, I think shallow men are into shallow women, the extremes are probably gonna catch STD or be deselected by nature one way or another. My advice would be to choose one’s own way of life based on one’s own judgment and take accountability for the consequences of whatever one decides to do.
- Men over nature? Women don’t need men to think for the female sex or the future of the human species for that matter. Men may not believe this, but they are not God nor masters of the Universe, this chauvinist outlook is a blockage to women’s psychological maturation and personal development. Women have the right to make their own mistakes and learn from them, they don’t need protecting or saving. It is what it is, ever heard of evolution? Beta men adapted and survived, what about you? Further, the world and everything in it has no meaning, whatever your agenda is, whatever is meaningful to you is not necessarily the same to everyone else. Live your married suburban life with your offspring and worship whatever god you want, nobody cares.
- Scientific studies show women are happier in so and so social arrangements. But just because something makes the beast in you feel happy doesn’t mean it is the go-to moral or social option, short-term or long-term. Science shows socializing and married life makes most people happy, and yet, there are volunteer hermits, monks, and nuns that are not particularly clinically depressed. Remember, scientific studies are paid and goal-oriented, not done universally and unbiasedly on all topics. What do you think would happen if a politician walks into a monastery trying to convince the monks they’d be scientifically happier if they marry and have children? But he wouldn’t, he has a particular demographic in mind with this scientifically-backed amazing idea and an end game to match. Again, even your demographic fits the bill, scientific studies can be served as guidance but they are not law. In the end, unless forced, free will is still valid. A wine company pays for a scientific study with a conclusion drinking wine every day prolongs life, tell that to a guy who’s about to jump off a bridge, good luck.
- Slut-shaming and such nonsense. I don’t know nor care what dysfunctional men name-call women these days, same petty bitterness, different day. I wouldn’t worry too much about it, probably just some psychological manipulation tactics from separation anxiety-ridden Manchild Collective with abandonment issues. Basically, what I can’t control I devalue and destroy, tantrums from emotionally stunted Narcissistic babies. But self-expression is a right, for both sexes. Women can wear revealing clothing and makeup and they can take them off. Just because you ate a taco today doesn’t make you a bona fide Mexican. Ignorant men pigeonhole and label because they are lacking in complexity in their thinking. If they did not sustain brain-damaging injuries that impair their cognitive abilities then I have no sympathy. Do you ever feel things are not really what they seem to be on the surface? Do you experience shame, regret, and cognitive dissonance when you find out that the exciting sexy slut you were supposed to take advantage of sexually in your short-term scheme is actually an intolerably boring homebody who’s now reaping long-term financial gain by cashing out your child support checks monthly? Enough said, wink, wink, smiley face.
Still, I myself am strange and unusual and probably don’t fit the norm nor represent all women. But again, I don’t care about the norm, men’s, women’s, your views.
P.S. To the sexually frustrated old pervs out there, don’t hate all women simply because the majority of young hot ones refuse to use their asses as a bargaining chip for your money or validation. Just because they don’t choose you doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have right to choose what to do with their body, ok? But you are arrogant and slow too, whatever.