Rex on the Problem of Love

Meowin Schrödinger
3 min readNov 22, 2022


Photo by Alexandru Acea on Unsplash

You love your country, your partner, and your children, why? Because they are good? Because they are better than other countries, people, or children? Really? Stop lying, you know the answers to all three questions are negative. But you can’t stop, you are emotionally invested, and you can’t afford the sunk cost. You carry on lying to others and yourself, making yourself believe your choices in life are intelligent and worthy. By now you are silent and you know Rex is right. And yet, you insist, what other options do you have, you have to stand for something, right?

Right! So here you are, wondering what Rex is going to say to you. You can feel my One Thousand Yard Stare even if you can’t see my eyes, can’t you? Do you want to know what Rex thinks? Rex thinks what you stood for, is not love.

Nobody knows what love truly is, it is a subjective agnostic social construct. Rex thinks love is injustice, self-interest, and an excuse, it is incredibly fragile and unstable. It is not based on facts, logic or merits but based on blind faith and fleeting feelings. When you love, you do not think, when you start to think, you start to question the foundations of your love. Your logic starts laughing at the moronic nature of your emotions, listing all the errors you made, the instabilities you created and the inevitable failure you are facing, once again, internal conflicts, self-doubt and resentment against others rise. Blaming yourself hurts your ego so you blame others because you are cowardly and incapable of learning. You are stuck in a vicious cycle, you do not have a high enough intelligence level to self-reflect and improve. What to do?

We are limited by our intelligence, emotions and consciousness level, for most, there’s not much that can be done. Even Einstein let his emotions and need for vengeance overwrote his logic and compassion, he actively promoted the creation of atomic bombs. Although he displayed a certain level of remorse for his actions, it was too late. Real-world destructions had already happened on a mass scale. Was Einstein intelligent? In his own fields, no doubt. His IQ was high, but not high enough to be put in a position to be the architect of humanity’s future. Even most world leaders are not fit to be put in the positions they are in. Atrocities happen needlessly on daily basis. Our animalistic and unfiltered love for the self will annihilate us in the end. Don’t believe me? Google Mutual Assured Destruction.

Empathy is wildly regarded as a good quality by most people, but overly empathizing with any individual or group can lead to a lack of principles and enabling. Love is an extreme form of empathy. Patriotism is based on love for one’s country, but it is also problematic. It is precisely these people who engage in war and the destruction of ‘the others’ based on fictitious propaganda. All violence needed was an excuse to justify inhumane acts.

For those who have reached a higher level of intelligence and moral stage, however, Rex recommends a better way to organize our behaviour, not based on emotions, empathy or love but rationality and vision. That’s the motivation behind the creation of Project Skeleton Key. Rex would like to create voluntary cooperation and collaboration on a global scale because humans are facing extinction. We have more than enough problems to face without creating more problems for each other and ourselves. If there’s any time for deprioritising our differences and working together for a common goal of survival, it is now. Evolve and survive or nuke each other to death like demented children, your choice, so what’s it gonna be? I hope you will make a wise choice and join me, truly.



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