Mayans M.C. Season 1 Review
I watched Mayans M.C. on BBCiPlayer. I was very surprised as orthodox as the BBC is, it actually bought such a show with violent content and racial minorities as lead roles, well fuck me, what do you know, for a minute I almost forgot which side the white boys’ propaganda machine is on.
I watched some Sons of Anarchy on Amazon and Netflix previously, purely out of curiosity coz they were promoting it like a bitch on the front page. Some men told me they don’t like it because they found it senselessly violent. Which fucking planet were they on, I mean seriously, it is vanilla as hell. Bunch of white boys wearing little badges and miscellaneous leather fashion accessories, rolling around on their noisy toys, doing shady businesses, mess around with whores and get fucked over by the law constantly? Nah, excuse me but have your balls shrunk back into your bodies? Your middle-aged obese wives munching on Cheetos enjoy watching this shit more than you do, you know why? Because you are such a loser that a cable TV is the only luxurious entertainment your entire family share and could not afford.
Ok, back to the review. The show was still written by the same guy Kurt Sutter and directed by some new guy Elgin James. It was better than Sons of Anarchy, yeah, I don’t give a fuck to what the fans of SoA say. It is fucking superior in every goddamn way. Better plots, better bikes, better directing, better CGI, better art, better music and better everything. It’s SoA with spice! I didn’t say it’s great, by the way, you can’t compare this to the Godfather on any given day but still better than SoA, I repeat, better than SoA, contrary to some other so-called credible spin doctors. I especially loved the intro music and the colourful art pieces in it, the stained glass door, the metal gate full of fancy decorations, the bikes are more colourful and diverse in models, even the fucking gavel is way cooler.
The prospect is called Ezekiel, what a weird name, sounds like Easy Kill, don’t you think? So EZ got released from jail under suspicious circumstances and joined the Mayans M.C. as a prospect sponsored by his brother Angel. Also, Angel, what another great name. When I get on the show I will take the name Fiend, or Demon, I can’t decide. Anyway, these boys ride bikes and do nasty shit, same old. But this show is different from just a bunch of white boys playing house with everybody else come and go as subplots, it has more narratives for the different groups and individuals involved and gave more weight to other characters’ backstories and lives which I like very much. They were more realistic as everybody else has got a reason to do what they do and a life to live with their own friends and families like the underground rabbit warrens, right? I like the ingenious use of the unground tunnel, by the way, it looks very authentic from my memory of the real ones I’ve seen on some documentaries. I was very happy to see EZ’s dad played by James Edward Olmos in there doing his little business and acts as a go-between. I loved the torture chamber idea and when Coco killed his bitch mother, first parricide, I like, I like very much!
What I find unrealistic was the bit when the Mexico dirty cops held Angel hostage and demanded money. EZ went to ask the rebel leader Adelita for help, and she asked the other woman on the computer who was in charge of that part of Mexico. Look, I like the whole Donnie Darko masks thing and the idea of having a chica playing the leader and all that feminist stuff but for both the leader and her I.T. support to not know who’s in charge of where and had to consult the fucking computerized database was ridiculously unrealistic. Every leader in the real world would know these things like the back of their hands, maybe not tiny details but the captains in charge of their major territories? Are you fucking kidding me, it just does not happen like that ok?
All in all, it’s entertaining if you are into this sort of stuff. And I was happy to finally see my Happy popping up in the final episode. I expect great things from this point onward. Peace out and happy new year.