Interview with a Diviner
‘Hello, what a pleasant evening! The sky is clear and the stars are shining bright!’ The Diviner greeted with a hearty smile.
‘Yes, very pleasant evening indeed.’ Sam nodded, sitting down nervously.
‘Is this your first time visiting a diviner?’
‘There’s no need to worry. You are in good hands. So, how can I help you today?’
‘I um, suspect someone has put a spell on me.’
‘Oh? You suspect black magic is used against you?’
‘I am not sure but that’s what I would like to know.’
‘Ok, what made you suspect such a thing, if I may know?’
‘Sure, um, there’s this girl, she is highly unusual.’
‘Usual how?’
‘She’s uncanny, witchy, if not intimidating at times, and yet, I feel drawn to her, almost involuntarily. I feel frustrated, helpless, and angry that I couldn’t control my emotions because I would like to think myself a very sensible individual and have my emotions well under control.’
‘I see, you are a head over heart person.’
‘How does she unsettle you? In what way?’
‘She seems to know the hidden emotions and motives behind my behaviour and that no one else can tell. Normally my diplomacy covers up my inconsistency in my dealings but not to her, she, just know.’
‘Any specific example?’
‘She warned me about my addiction, a specific kind. But I’ve never told anyone about it and it’s rather embarrassing if you know what I mean.’
‘Yes, I understand, it’s private and there’s no way she will know about it in the physical world just by gathering factual information.’
‘Precisely. And that scared the shit out of me. She doesn’t look evil at all, as a matter of fact, just the opposite, she’s rather dreamy, ethereal. But I know looks can be deceiving and I feel the need to know more and how I should deal with it.’
‘Very wise. Ok, let me lay out the spread and see what we got here and whether she is malicious by nature.’
‘Thank you.’ Sam bobbed up and down in the chair and pulled his t-shirt up a little from the back.
The diviner shuffled the cards several times, put her hands on the deck, closed her eyes, and breathed deeply. Then she slowly opened her eyes and started laying out the tarot cards one by one on the soft velvet cloth on the table in front of her. Then gradually, a gentle smile came onto her face, she looked rather serene among the flickering candle lights.
‘Do you believe in magic?’
‘I don’t know what to believe, but I suspect it in the back of my mind because nothing else makes logical sense in this case.’
‘I see. You don’t have to believe anything I say, ok? But I want you to remain an open mind. Can you do that?’
‘I will try my best.’
‘Good. First of all, I want to put your mind at peace and tell you straight that, no, this person you are enquiring about is not a witch, nor was she using black magic.’
‘Oh, that’s a relief.’ Sam nodded and let out a deep breath.
‘Yeah? Well, good, good. But she’s no ordinary person either. There’s more to this story, only if you want to know that is.’
‘Yes, I would like to know.’
‘Very well. Did she come into your life at a stage that you hit an all-time low? Were you in a state of chaos, discourse, and struggle?’
‘Yes. I was. I had a lot on my plate and I was confused and depressed.’
‘Then I want to assure you that she is not here to harm you at all, ok? She is here to help you.’
‘Help me, how?’
‘By opening your heart chakra. Your crown chakra and solar plexus are very well developed, as a matter of fact, they are beaming. Can you see?’ She held the card up to Sam for him to have a closer look.
‘It seems that the divine order decided it is time, whether you are ready or not. She is the key to your heart. She unlocked your heart chakra, that’s why you start to feel more and more, and your intuition is growing exponentially. And now, all your chakras are lit up.’
‘Why her?’
‘Are you familiar with the concept of Twin Flame?’
‘I have heard of this term before but I do not know the inner workings of it.’
‘Twin Flames were two halves of the same soul, they were very powerful. The gods were threatened, they split the souls into two in the early material formation stage of the universe. Twin flames have a soul contract to experience lifetimes together and reach spiritual ascension. This individual is your twin flame, you had many lifetimes together and you were reincarnated into this life to find each other. That’s why you were so drawn to her in a way that you could not explain. But from what I see here, she is way more evolved than you on this journey. You were asleep, you could not feel. All your decisions were made by your conscious mind which might not have been in your best interest. She helped you, big time. She made you whole.’
‘So she was helping me all along!’
‘Yes. You were meant to come into union with each other and raise this planet’s consciousness together. Your soul has a mission on Earth.’
‘Wow, I mean, I can feel it, deep down. I just didn’t understand it fully. Shall I approach her? I do feel so drawn to her. We were destined to be together, right?’
‘Right. However…’
‘When she showed up, you were meant to choose her. But you are a very stubborn kind, your free will defied God’s will by choosing a third party instead of your twin flame, just because you could, am I right?’
‘Um, yeah, you are right, and that backfired and now I am stuck. So what happens now?’
‘Your betrayal has broken your soul contract and relieved her from your bond. She went ahead on her own spiritual journey and she has ascended alone, now she has reached our father’s gate and became the high priestess. Whether she wants to come back to you or not, it’s entirely up to her, she is self-sovereign and whatever she does for you from this point, is pure charity.’
‘You mean I missed my boat?’
‘Yeah, you could say that again. You fucked up big time.’
‘What should I do?’
‘What can you do but surrender to the universe and divine order? What will be will be.’
‘Is there any chance we will be together again?’
‘Sure, there’s a possibility. But again, it’s entirely up to her. You just need to do your part, further your own spiritual journey, and hope for the best I guess.’
‘Well, thank you very much. That was very enlightening.’ Sam shook the diviner’s hands and walked out of the tent with a murmur, ‘I’m gonna get her back. I will.’
The diviner flipped over a final card on the table and sighed, ‘No, he won’t. His betrayal and fuckery are written all over the stars. What an arrogant fool.’ Then tears streamed down the old crone’ face, ‘Divine Feminine, High Priestess, Mighty Seraphim, I can feel your love, so much love yet so much pain. But don’t worry, don’t worry at all, you are with God now.’